Shift happens: Bell bottoms and platform shoes

Recently, I spoke to a group of university students.  In my presentation I talked about my past–specifically my graduation from dental school.  In 1989, I left school and ventured off into the business world.  At that point I looked around the room and realized that none of those students were even born when I graduated.  The saying “you’re only as old as you feel” really rings true with me.  I still feel like I’m in my 30’s (which is interesting considering I have two sons who are 29 years old); I have not aged a day since I bought my practice. I know that sounds a bit delusional, however, if you are younger than 35, you’ll learn some day what I am talking about!

Since my amputation, I have had to make some changes to adapt to my new normal.  I’ve had to make a shift in my thinking and doing!  For example, each morning I go to the local YMCA. I wake up at 4:45. Since I do not want to wake my lovely and talented wife, I get ready in the dark. That means I have to prepare what I will need the night before. No more last minute throwing things together.  As I end my day, I brush and floss my teeth (What self-respecting dentist wouldn’t?) I then lay out my exercise clothes. Then I prop my leg by my night stand (What self-respecting amputee wouldn’t?)  All this, so I can just work in the dark to get ready.  I put on my clothes and don my leg and I am ready to get out the door by 5:05 to 5:10.  Wearing shorts makes it all so much easier.

If you run into me around town, you will notice I wear sport shorts and a t-shirt and hoodie.  With the exception of a handful of days, I have worn shorts all winter long.  First of all, if its cold outside, only one leg gets cold.  My cyborg/bionic knee can’t feel the cold.  Secondly, donning long pants is a hassle! Doing so requires me to take off my leg, remove my shoe from my Kinterra foot, then slip on my trousers, then with my pants around my ankles, put on my leg, then pull up my pants.  (I really should make a video of the ordeal and post it on my YouTube channel.)  Of course, for a more formal activity, I would do this without thinking.  However, day to day, shorts win out every time!  As an aside, skinny jeans are definitely out of the picture!! 🙂

Kinterra foot/ankle by Freedom Innovations
Kinterra with a foot “skin”

Having said this, some pants are easier to don even with a shoe on my foot.  My scrubs legs are just baggy enough that I can avoid the shoe removal and slide my pants on easier. This led me to think about my high school days.  WARNING: Those of you younger than 35 will not relate.  Wearing bell bottom jeans meant “you were all that and a bag of potato chips.”  They were so cool!  The large opening at the foot and the wide leg.  Today, they would be an amputees dream!!  Of course, wearing them I would run the risk of tripping on the fabric–not a minor detail to ignore!  Even the ease of putting on and taking off bell bottoms could not force me to wear that fashion style again!!!  While I am confessing past fashion sins, I admit to wearing the occasional leisure suit and platform shoes. NEVER AGAIN!!

What were we thinking in the 70’s?

I appreciate you following me on this journey.  It has been a wild ride, to be sure.  As today’s title states, “shift happens”.  We never know when or where it will happen.  We never know what it will look like, but rest assured, it will happen.  Keep a positive attitude.  Be determined.  Keep your faith.  It will work out. It may look different than you thought, but it will work out!

Until next time!